It turned out that he was telling the truth. The movie isn't about much. Just about a guy who is forced to make public speeches even though he stutters, so his wife hires a speech-defects therapist. This is the main description of the movie. Secondary to this simple plot is the fact that the guy in question is prince of British Empire! This gives this movie uniqueness: Bertie's (the prince, played by Colin Firth) first role in this movie is of a stutter, trying to overcome his problem with help of his therapist and friend Lionel (Geoffrey Rush). Trough his second role, the one of the prince, we learn about the problems of royalty, the state and the world. But people, and specifically Bertie, are focus of this film. Events only serve as nudges and then movie again delves with characters and their reactions.
Acting and directing is superb! From the very start you will get attached to Bertie. Because, who among us never had a fear of public speaking (well, I presume that there are those whom speaking in public comes natural, but I think this is not so for majority of people). One of first scenes, where he is in front of few hundred people and a microphone, unable to say a word, immediately won me. Collin Firth plays a stutter extraordinary. You can see his fight to squeeze every word.
The movie is mostly drama, but often there will be funny scenes that serve to make characters so likable. Humor is often vulgar, but nevertheless it is always sympathetic. Bertie and especially his wife Elizabeth are quite witty. Also, this movie can be put in category of historic movies, explaining some of the events prior to World War II, but history is not is primary aspect. I don't know why, but character of Lionel, which is great in its own right, somewhat falls to side when compared to Bertie. But, when you think about it, he is the most admirable character: a man not giving up on his standards, even when it means to confront with royalty. Also, a man who can admit when he is wrong.
"The King's Speech
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