(TOR cover)
(some fun-art)
"Toll the Hounds
Of course, this is true only for first four fifths of the book. Last 150-200 pages are to be read in one breath. Really, treat yourself and somehow make your schedule so that you can read the end in one reading. Because this is one really exceptional ending. Erikson's books and endings are usually unexpected, but if someone would even suggest that he (or she) had a feeling that this was coming, I would call him a liar. Even if you hate most of this book, ending really deserve to be read.
One more difference is that this is the only book to have a narrator, one that actually addresses the readers. Kruppe was never my favorite character (not that I didn't like him, but he just wasn't among the first choices), but this role fits him nicely.
From mentioning Kruppe, you can guess that TtH takes place on Genebackis again. Chapters also follow similar concept as before, alternating between two sets of POVs. One is Darujistan residents: Kruppe, Cutter, retired Bridgeburners, Scillara and Barathol, some nobles and some more shady characters (which doesn't mean that nobles are not shady). These chapters are somewhat easier to read, with more humor and more action. The other set of characters follows Nimander Golit and his Tiste Andii traveling with Clip, Traveler, Karsa and Samar Dev, Kallor and several residents of Black Coral. These POVs are quite melancholic, almost depressing, although not uninteresting. Oh yes, I almost forgot. We are also following Trygalle Guild, accompanied with Gruntle and Mappo.
Few more things I would to emphasize. In some ways this is a Jaghut book, because we have several characters belonging to this race. Although this doesn't mean they are not mysterious any more. Next, Kallor. Most fans would say that they already had set opinion about him, acquired in "Memories of Ice
In conclusion, I admit that some readers could be off-put by this book, but if you are fans of MBotF, bear with it until the ending and rewards it brings.
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